Review based on ARC.
I really enjoyed this book. It has taken me altogether too long to get through it, but that has nothing to do with the book and everything to do with my crazy life. In fact, escaping my crazy life and entering Adam's was just the thing I needed.
The book starts off with a letter from the Director of Counseling Services at the institute. I thought this was a clever and well done intro to the novel. I was immediately intrigued and impressed with the author's presentation of this perspective.
The adolescent love story in this novel is compelling and entertaining, to say the least. Adam meets his love on the way back to the mental institution and from that point forward begins an unhealthy (not surprising) obsession. Of course it wouldn't be an adolescent love story if the feelings were mutual.
Without ruining any of the story, I will say that I was pleased with the author's take on obsession and very happy to have been graced with this book. It is dark and engaging. Just how I like things. ;)
Definitely recommend.
FOUR of five stars.
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