Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Woman in Black: A Ghost Story by Susan Hill

Wonderful. The back of the book asks, "What real reader does not yearn, somewhere in the recesses of his or her heart, for a ... ghost story written by Jane Austen?" The publisher bemoans that that cannot be accomplished, but promises that this book is the next best thing.

Somehow, this British author published a book in the 80s that manages to accomplish just that... a ghost story in Austen style.

Without being too weighty in language and description, without actually venturing back to Victorian times, Hill creates a victorian ghost story.

Because I feel that any added description that I could offer would add nothing, I decline to do so. However, I highly recommend to anyone looking for a spine-tingler of a more mature variety for those dark and dreary nights.....

FOUR of five stars

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