The series presents chaotic situation and baffling scenario after chaotic situation and baffling scenario, yet the story as a whole continues to move forward, answering some questions and leaving more in its wake. The series shifts a bit into a more fantasy-like genre for much of book 3, but the sci-fi is still definitely present, and I am continually impressed with the depth of Williams' thinking and exploration. Although Book 3 lagged a bit in the middle for me, I am still overall very pleased with the series.
I am not saying more because ... any discussion of the plot of book 3 would be spoiler. :)
But a few thoughts for those who've read them already (highlight to see text):
I also am very interested in the developing relationship between Dread and Dulcie Anwin... and the developing case that Calliope is working through. I love that it is culminating in Sydney.
I am pleased that Jacoubian and Wells' stories developed the way they did... even in the apparent death of Jacoubian. And it's sooooo interesting that the ceremony didn't work for any of the brotherhood except partially for the one guy (whose name is evading me right now). BUT I wonder if the brotherhood may actually somehow be revived at some point in book 4 --- after all, they are, at this point, "merely code" anyway.
There is definitely more to !Xabbu than meets the eye.. his response was interesting when Renie said he was back in his real form (or however she phrased that)... and he didn't respond as expected.
Ooooh, and I loved who Emily was. But 2 questions remain at this point... if one of her other selves killed her... why was the baby she may have been carrying such a central point of her character for so long? Maybe something will develop where the presence of the baby was crucial... And the 2nd question is ... Dread said he "left something behind" with Martine when he was killed (when in Quan Li's body).... I don't think we know what that is yet... If so, I completely missed it!
Mmmmm... that's all for now. :)
This book gets another FOUR of five stars